Thursday, April 18, 2013

Craft Room Reveal

I am finally done with my Craft room! Woohoo!

 I had to jam-pack a crammed 3.6 X 7 feet room/closet!

Here SHE is...

I am pretty happy and proud of this space !

For a 3.3' x 7' room, I say not bad at all!

A space for everything

Where I post my current obsessions

My own personal creative space :-)

I call it a SHE since it is a girlie space, filled with greys and pinks.
I painted the cabinets & one wall VALSPAR in semi-gloss called "Voyage".
The left wall, though not obvious in the picture,  is painted also with VALSPAR in  satin-finish called "Apricot Ice" (it's one of those spring samples Lowes currently has for $2.98 and I used only one - may be FREE if you have HGTV magazine which has a Free sample coupon !).

I'll let you in in my "secret" soon on how I painted this cabinets super fast -  yes, in just one day! No sanding, no de-glossing, basically the "lazy" way!

More details of the space here...

Small collage  using NYTGGA frames from IKEA and old catalog covers from
"Land of Nod"  and quotations from OPRAH magazine!

Glues, pens, and other craft supplies using ledges & organizers from Ikea
Pegboard organization

My other pin board, filled with inspiration, Fabrics and some sewing supplies on top

Laminator and paper stacks

Some more inspirations for me - pics, dollar puzzle from Target, gift tags

Stationaries, swatches, etc..

What lies beneath - Covered up Sterilite plastic bins with Contact paper from TJ Maxx
for more supplies and storage
More inspirations, also my gold Dollar Tree 2 x 3 frames!so cute!
Threshold Labelled Drawer Pulls-
Got the idea  from Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick :-) thanks!!!!

She went from this by the way...

"She" needed some TLC - I added the pegboard and used left-over Masters bedroom paint

Progress? or just plain Mess?!

 This space is a trapezoid-shaped room with this small corner for some storage

A small triangular corner for holiday gift wraps
and gift bags

more organized at this point and easy for me to find things that I need

This is also in the room...

Fortunately, partly covered by the door when it's open
I'll share other little details eventually. But for now, let me end with this...

What's on the door

I think this freebie poster (got it from my laptop case) aptly describes what I try to do in this small space of mine. Hope you have a place to let your creative juices flow too!

Oh, and lastly, I would like to thank all of you dear family, friends and readers because this blog has reached >103K views already!!!! Woohoo! I am in awe for all your support!

Have a Wonderful Day!

This room was featured in...

Linking back to...

Glitter, Glue & Paint
Highlighted Links - Serenity Now BY AMANDA

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia


  1. That, my friend, is organizational porn. Oh to be so put together! and pretty too. I am totally jealous. :)

  2. Vel - this is FANTASTIC! I wish I was half as organized. I love the pink labels on the desk drawers and I LOVE that roll of ribbons. This looks like heaven to be in - all the fun supplies you have!

  3. Oh my word, this is totally amazing. I love, love, love this space. So fabulous and it looks so pretty too. You did an amazing job. Hugs, Marty

  4. Wow - I can't believe how organized you are! My supplies are scattered all over the place! It's amazing what you can do with such a small space - you rocked it!! I'm going to share this on my FB page later today!

  5. Can we trade spaces? Well I don't even have a craft room! :( but Wow, you are sooo organized now! I love the gray-pink combo, the colorful frames on the other wall, the plastic bins with the contact paper! Well, pretty much I love everything! You have so many goodies I wish I have, enjoy them!

  6. Fantastic Vel! what a functional and cute space! your woman cave! I love how much you can do in here..great great job.
    xo Nancy

  7. Holy organization skills!!! I wish I had just 10% of that have everything at your finger tips now!

  8. What a great use of space, Vel. So organized! You did a great job, everything at your fingertips. Now, I can't wait to see what you create....Christine

  9. Wow, you have the perfect spot to do our crafting, planning and blogging...perfect!!!
    Hope you'll share at Amaze Me Monday...

  10. Gorgeous space Vel! I love what you did with it, it's so colourful and cheery :) Can't believe you made such a small room so functional, great job!

  11. What a remarkable organization project! I am currently in a craft room makeover and hope to get it as beautiful as you've done yours. Well done! ~M.

  12. This room is heaven! I especially love the room art. That caught my eye first! Such a great transformation!

  13. Wow! Looks fabulous Vel. I keep clicking on you at linky parties! Glad to see you again, I have added you to bloglovin' now so I won't miss any of your great projects:)
    Krista @thehappyhousie

  14. So organized ! Love it :-)
    With A Blast

  15. I am late to this fantastic reveal. Vel, you did the most amazing job. I could find everything in this space. I love how it is beautiful, too. Happy crafting!

  16. Thanks so much for sharing at AMM, you have the perfect craft room!

  17. What an inspiring space! I've been working on my craft room for over a year now and it's still not done.

  18. That is a wonderful use of that space. I would love to have a little room even if it is just a closet. Someday maybe. Right now we have all the kids still at home so no extra space to be had. Great post. Love how organized it all is.

  19. Wow!! SO functional and just as pretty, what a wonderful job and awesome use of space!!

  20. Wow! What a great use of space! So much storage and inspiration in your little craft area. Looks great :)
    - Lora

  21. You have done a fabulous job with your space!! Great space to be inspired! Don't ya just love it when everything just comes together and looks fantastic after ripping it all apart?!

    1. Thank you Ann!!! I totally agree!! Next up on my list... the kitchen! :-)

  22. Neat and organized...a nice crafty space!

  23. Wow! What a great space! I’d love it if you could link this up to our party, Give Me The Goods Monday! {1 party, 5 blogs}
    Have a great week!
    Jamie @

  24. I love your work space. I just created a space for me in the garage. It is all organized, but not as clean and fresh as yours.

  25. Wow - this is organization to the "max"! You have done an amazing job - maybe, you should start a business to show others how to do this. Fabulous - we are all jealous of that creative space!!

  26. I am working on setting up my new craft room right now and I love, love yours! Great inspiration! I have a new weekly link party which is live now and I would love if you stop by and link up this wonderful post! Hope to see you there! Hugs, Maria

  27. I love this space. Thanks so much for joinig Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  28. I love it! You have motivated me to crackin on mine. Mine looks like your before only bigger. ;-)Thanks for all the storage ideas. Have a great week! ~Wanda

  29. This is such a nice crafting space. I love the pegboard with the ribbons on it. Good job!

  30. Do you do house calls? I am in desperate need of some organizing. Great reveal!

  31. You did a great job utilizing the small space - I am impressed! It's functional, organized and pretty! I love the cork board...

    Dawn McCloskey

  32. Wow! Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing at Give Me the Goods! Can't wait to see what you bring to the party next week! Don't forget to stop by and checkout this weeks features tomorrow.

    ~Chelsea @ Married Filing Jointly

  33. Wow, Vel, you got a lot of "bang for your buck" with your little space. It looks amazing and very inspiring!

  34. I love your great use of a small space! I pinned this!

  35. Congratulations! You've been featured at Time To Sparkle! Thanks for sharing with us!

  36. I love your creative space! Functional and organized!
    I'm your newest follower!
    Selene @ Restoration Beauty

  37. Love it!! You've gotten so much function into this space...and, it's pretty too! Great job :)

  38. Looks amazing,you've given me some inspiration to get my room going!

  39. Wow I wish I could do that....I try and try and seem to go in circles. Very nice.

  40. What an outstanding use of space. Cozy and cute!

  41. What a great organized space, thanks for sharing it!
    Have a sweet day!

  42. Great craft room. I'm getting there but for now I will just be envious of yours. :-)

    Thanks for linking up at Throwback Thursday!!


  43. You have the ultimate craft room! I can tell a lot of hard work and love went into that space! Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday.

  44. This is a beautiful post! I would like to invite you to SHARE this cool post at my link up party going on right now the Thursday SWEET HAUTE Share. Happy I found your blo, we're asian too. Party on!!!!!!

    Be Sweet~
    Christina at

  45. What a sweet spot for you! Congratulations! Wish I could organize! I have a much larger space, but I am a basurero like my whole family! Instilled from when we were young, by a mother who recycles EVERYTHING! So I hardly throw things away and everything just piles up! Usually we find a way to sell it! Ha ha!!
    Patsy from

  46. Amazing, girl!!! This is so great, totally lighting a fire under me to get started!

  47. Love it! Question, where in the Philippines did you buy your peg board?


Thank you for reading my blog! Hope you can stop by again sometime! Have a Wonderful Day!!